Legendary conta wow top - Blizzard
Conta top focada em pvp R$4000,00 está sendo vendida por 1200 euros
Account from US region/realms with 21 900 Achievement Points, 72 Titles, 175 Mounts, 102 Toys, Tier 3 Naxx Pieces, Elite PvP Sets – Enchants – Tabards, MoP & WoD CM Gold, Rare Mounts & More!
Gladiator (ONLY the Achievement, NOT the Mount)
Just the Two of Us: 2200
Three’s Company: 2400
Champion 2000 RBG (ONLY the Achievement, NOT the Mount)
Cutting Edge: Garrosh Hellscream (10 player)
Cutting Edge: The Black Gate
Ahead of the Curve: Imperator’s Fall
Ahead of the Curve: Blackhand’s Crucible
Ahead of the Curve: Kil’jaeden
Ahead of the Curve: Argus the Unmaker
Ahead of the Curve: Uu’nat, Harbinger of the Void
Ahead of the Curve: N’Zoth the Corruptor
Ahead of the Curve: Sire Denathrius
Ahead of the Curve: Sylvanas Windrunner
the Undaunted
Legend of Pandaria
the Faceless One
Terror of the Tushui
the Dwarfstalker
Draenei Destroyer
Scourge of the Kaldorei
the Manslayer
Renowned Explorer
Southshore Slayer
Masked Chuckler
Spear of Vol’jin
Darkspear Revolutionary
Timber Lord
Swift Shorestrider
Big Battle Bear
Blazing Hippogryph
Explorer’s Jungle Hopper
Explorer’s Dunetrekker
Cindermane Charger
Tyrael’s Charger
Kor’kron War Wolf
Undercity Plaguebat
Grove Warden
Obsidian Worldbreaker
Violet Spellwing
Uncorrupted Voidwing
Wastewarped Deathwalker
Rocket Shredder 9001
Magenta Cloud Serpent
Hand of Hrestimorak
Heartlight Vombata
Ash’adar, Harbinger of Dawn
Celestial Steed
Corrupted Fire Hawk
Icebound Frostbrood Vanquisher
Ironbound Proto-Drake
Rusted Proto-Drake
Warrior – 10 Completed Sets
Golden King Mist of Pandaria Challenge Mode Gold Set
S15 Elite PvP Set
Replica Vanilla RBG Set
Druid – 28 Completed Sets
Feral & Guardian Legion Mage Tower Appearances 8/8
Dreamwalker Tier 3 Set 7/8 (Missing Shoulders)
S1/2 & S3/4 Legion Elite PvP Sets
S2 & S3/4 Shadowlands Elite PvP Set
Rogue – 14 Completed Sets
Bonescythe Tier 3 Pieces 5/8 (Missing Shoulders | Chest | Legs)
S2 Shadowlands Elite PvP Set
Hunter – 29 Completed Sets
Howling Beast Mist of Pandaria Challenge Mode Gold Set
S3/4 Shadowlands Elite PvP Set
Wildstalker Set
Trial of Valor Set – Chains of the Chosen Dead
Replica Vanilla RBG Set
Cryptstalker Tier 3 Set 7/8 (Missing Waist)
Beast Mastery Legion Mage Tower Appearances 4/4
Death Knight
Lich Lord Mist of Pandaria Challenge Mode Gold Set
Gravewarden Armaments Set
Unholy & Frost Legion Mage Tower Appearances 4/4
Earthshatter Tier 3 Pieces 7/8 (Missing Shoulders)
Enchanter’s Illusion – Shadow Flame | Cosmic Flow | Primal Storm | Unbreakable Resolve | Undying Spirit | Dreadflame | Demonic Tyranny | Primal Victory | Glorious Tyranny
Dread | Sinister | Unchained | Crimson Gladiator’s Tabards
TCG Tabard of Brilliance & Flame
Warlords of Draenor Challenge Mode Gold Weapons
Hood of Hungering Darkness | Crown of Eternal Winter | Jewel of the Firelord
Arcanite Ripper & Thori’dal, the Stars’ Fury
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Legendary conta wow top
conta top focada em pvp
(cód. 905582635)
Status: Paused
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