
Conta NADMO - AOX, Alter S, Duft X, SlashAngemon - Digimon Masters Online

Tamer Mimi, Tai, Matt, TK e Joe no warehouse Acessórios Ring AT AT ATT HP Neck AT ATT CD AS Earr CD CD ATT ATT - CD CD ATT HT Brace AT CD CD HT CT Digivice from the beginning lvl 0 XAi permanent Jogress: Alphamon Ouryuken X (Ryuudamon line) 6/6 AT PF OmegamonAlter-S (Agumon-Line) 6/6 AT 15 PF CT 14 PF SlashAngemon (Patamon line) 5/5 Chaosmon (Elecmon line) 5/5 Omegamon (Gabumon line) 5/5 Digimons: Palmon (Original) 6/6 com Lillymon X Renamon 6/6 com BM
Elecmon (Duftmon) 6/6 com Duftmon X Tsukaimon 5/5 com BM Terriermon 5/5 com BM Salamon (Lilithmon) 5/5 Salamon 6/6 com BM Lucemon 3/5 135% com Gehenna Lalamon inicial Qualquer dúvida é só perguntar Assim que tudo for confirmado, passo a conta para o email desejado.

Conta NADMO - AOX, Alter S, Duft X, SlashAngemon

server omegamon
(cód. 984627834)
Status: Sold
$ 20.62
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felkypr ( 4 )

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Member since: 04/2022

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