
Conta League of Legends 311 Skins Elo Platina IV LOL

Conta Possui 311 Skins
Todos Personagens Habilitados
Elo Platina
7845 Essencia Azul
1205 Essencia Laranja

Skins Atrox 2/6 
Ahri 7/11 (Kda Prestigio)
 Akali 4/12
 Alistar 3/13
 Amumu 4/10
 Anivia 6/8
 Annie 4/12
 Aphelios 0/1
 Ashe 3/11
 Aurelion Sol 0/2
 Azir 2/4
 Bardo 0/3
 Blitzcrank 3/11
 Brand 2/7
 Braum 0/6
 Caitlyn 4/11 (Fliperama Prestigio)
 Camile 0/3
 Cassiopeia 0/5
 ChoGath 1/7
 Corki 1/9
 Darius 3/8
 Diana 4/6
 DrMundo 2/10
 Draven 0/8
 Ekko 2/6
 Elise 2/5
 Evelyn 0/8
 Ezreal 11/13 (Pulsefire)(Academia de batalha e Guardiao Estelar com Moldura)
 Fiddle 0/9
 Fiora 7/8
 Fizz 3/9
 Galio 0/7
 GangPlank 4/9
 Garen 3/12
 Gnar 1/6
 Gragas 3/10
 Graves 3/10
 Hecarim 2/8
 Heimer 0/6
 Illaoi 1/2
 Irelia 1/9
 Ivern 1/2
 Janna 2/10 (previsão do tempo)
 Jarvan 6/9 (Jarvan Hextec)
 Jax 5/11
 Jayce 1/5
 Jhin 2/5
 Jinx 1/8
 Kai'Sa 0/5
 Kalista 0/3
 Karma 1/9
 Karthus 1/6
 Kassadin 1/6
 Katarina 7/12
 Kassadin 1/9
 Kayle 3/9
 Kayn 0/2
 Kennen 4/7
 Kha'Zix 2/5
 Kindred 1/2
 Kled 1/2
 KogMaw 3/10
 Le Blanc 3/8
 Lee Sin 7/11
 Leona 1/9
 Lissandra 1/4
 Lucian 3/6 (Projeto com Moldura) 
Lulu 2/8
 Lux 8/13 (Elementalista) (Imperatriz Lunar com Moldura)
 Malphite 4/10
 Malzahar 0/8
 Maokai 3/8
 Master Yi 2/10
 Miss Fortune 3/14
 Mordekaiser 0/6
 Morgana 2/10 (morgana vitoriosa)
 Nami 2/7
 Nasus 4/8
 Naut 1/5
 Neeko 2/3 (Guardiã Prestigio)
 Nidalee 3/10
 Noc 3/7
 Nunu 2/8
 Olaf 0/8
 Orianna 4/8
 Ornn 0/1
 Pantheon 1/8
 Poppy 1/9
 Pike 1/3
 Qiyana 0/3
 Quinn 4/4
 Rakan 1/5
 Rammus 0/9
 Rek'Sai 1/3
 Renekton 1/11
 Rengar 1/6
 Riven 3/11
Rumble 2/4
 Ryze 2/12 (Pirata e Mestre)
 Sejuani 0/9
 Senna 0/2
 Sett 0/1
 Shaco 3/8
 Shen 3/8
 Shyvana 1/6
 Singed 2/9
 Sion 0/6
 Sivir 3/11
 Skarner 4/4
 Sona 4/8 (DJ Sona)
 Soraka 3/11
 Swain 1/5
 Sylas 1/2
 Syndra 4/6
 Tahm Kench 0/3
 Taliyah 0/2
 Talon 2/7
 Taric 0/5
 Teemo 4/10
 Thresh 3/8
 Tristana 2/11
 Trundle 2/6
 Tryndamere 3/10
 Twisted Fate 5/11 (Magnifico)
 Twitch 2/10
 Udyr 3/5
 Urgot 0/5
 Varus 3/8
 Vayne 0/10
 Veigar 2/11
 Velkoz 0/3
 Vi 3/7
 Viktor 1/4
 Vladmir 3/9
 VoliBear 2/5
 Warwick 2/11 (WW Cinzento)
 Wukong 0/6
 Xayah 0/4
 Xerath 2/5
 Xin Zhao 3/8
 Yasuo 2/7 (Projeto com Moldura)
 Yorick 1/4
 Yuumi 0/2
 Zac 0/3
 Zed 3/6
 Ziggs 3/8
 Zilean 0/6
 Zoe 0/3
 Zyra 1/6

Conta League of Legends 311 Skins Elo Platina IV

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(cód. 995118539)
Status: Sold
$ 43.51
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Seller information

gojousama ( 49 )

100% positive feedback

Member since: 03/2011

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