

Sobre a conta:

Champs: Ahri, Akali, Akshan, Amumu, Anivia, Annie, Aphelios, Ashe, Aurelion Sol, Azir, Bardo, Blitzcrank, Caitlyn, Cho'Gath, Corki, Diana, Dr. Mundo, Draven, Ekko, Evelynn, Ezreal, Fiora, Fizz, Gangplank, Garen, Gragas, Graves, Gwen, Hecarim, Irelia, Janna, Jax, Jayce, Jhin, Jinx, Kai'Sa, Kalista, Karma, Karthus, Kassadin, Katarina, Kayle, Kennen, Kha'Zix, Kindred, Kog'Maw, LeBlanc, Leona, Lillia, Lucian, Lulu, Lux, Malphite, Master Yi, Miss Fortune, Mordekaiser, Morgana, Nasus, Nautilus, Nidalee, Nocturne, Nunu e Willump, Olaf, Ornn, Pantheon, Poppy, Pyke, Qiyana, Quinn, Rakan, Rammus, Renekton, Rengar, Riven, Ryze, Samira, Sejuani, Senna, Seraphine, Sett, Shaco, Shen, Shyvana, Singed, Sion, Sivir, Sona, Soraka, Syndra, Taliyah, Talon, Taric, Teemo, Thresh, Tristana, Tryndamere, Twisted Fate, Twitch, Udyr, Urgot, Varus, Vayne, Veigar, Vex, Vi, Vladimir, Volibear, Warwick, Xayah, Xin Zhao, Yasuo, Yone, Yuumi, Zed, Ziggs, Zilean, Zoe

Skins: Ahri Estrela do Pop, Ahri Guardiã Estelar, Aphelios Emissário da Escuridão, Aphelios Fera Lunar, Ashe Ametista, Blitzcrank Vitorioso, Caitlyn Arcane, Caitlyn Caçadora, Diana Lua Sangrenta, Diana Rainha de Batalha, Draven Caçador de Feras, Draven Draven, Ezreal Atacante, Ezreal Galante, FPX Vayne, Fiora Curtindo o Verão, Fiora Paixão Cortante, Fizz Supergaláctico, Graves Mercenário, Jax Vigia, Jayce Arcane, Jhin Cosmos Negro, Jinx Arcane, Jinx Fogos de Artifício, Jinx Guardiã Estelar, Jinx Odisseia, Kai'Sa K/DA, Karma Vigia, Katarina Gatinha, Kindred Fogo Sombrio, LeBlanc Corvinata, Leona Paladina, Lulu Feiticeira Cósmica, Miss Fortune Cidade do Crime, Miss Fortune Destruída, Miss Fortune Fliperama, Miss Fortune Vingadora Exocósmica, Morgana Espinhos Negros, Nasus Faraônico, Nocturne Eternum, Nocturne do Vazio, O Magnífico Twisted Fate, O Urso dos Mil Flagelos, PROJETO: Ashe, PROJETO: Ekko, PROJETO: Fiora, PROJETO: Irelia, PROJETO: Jhin, PROJETO: Jinx, PROJETO: Leona, PROJETO: Lucian, PROJETO: Vayne, PROJETO: Warwick, PROJETO: Yasuo, PROJETO: Yi, PROJETO: Zed, Patrulheiro Xin Zhao, Pug'Maw, Quinn Cupido Mortal, Riot Kayle, Riven Florescer Espiritual, Ryze Cristal Negro, SKT T1 Azir, SKT T1 Vayne, SKT T1 Zed, Sett Curtindo o Verão, Shaco Estrela Negra, Singed Apicultor, Soraka Guardiã Estelar, TPA Mundo, Thresh Liberto, Twisted Fate Velho Oeste, Twitch Medieval, Twitch Rei do Crime, Vayne Arco Celeste, Vayne Aristocrata, Vayne Caçadora de Dragões, Vayne Cupido Mortal, Vayne Defensora, Vayne Fogos de Artifício, Vayne Ladra de Almas, Veigar Astronauta, Vi Arcane, Warwick Cinzento, Warwick Saqueador, Xayah Crepúsculo Cósmico, Yasuo Chefão, Zed Campeonato

Emotes: 2019 - Split 1 - Bronze, 2019 - Split 2 - Bronze, 2019 - Split 3 - Bronze, 2019 Honor 3, 2019 Honor 4, 2020 - Split 1 - Silver, 2020 - Split 2 - Silver, 2020 - Split 3 - Silver, 2021 - Split 1 - Gold, 2021 - Split 2 - Gold, 2021 - Split 3 - Gold, 2022 - Split 1 - Gold, According to Plan, All According to Plan, Angry Kitty, Animated D'Pengu, Are You Kidding?, Are You Serious, Awesome Sauce!, Aww Yiss, BORF, Bang!, Bee Sad, Beside You, Blep Kench, Boo, Bwa ha ha!!, Charmed, Come at Me, Crushed It!, Cup-Yay!, Cuporo, D'Pengu, Deal With Grit, Delightify, Despair, Double Up Workshop: Blue Tier, Double Up Workshop: Grey Tier, Draven Approves!, Dressed to Kill, Easy E-Z, Evil Grin, Excited Kitty, Fired Up, Follow..., Galaxies Stage 1 Platinum Squink, Game Over, Get In, Gizmos & Gadgets: Devotion, Gizmos & Gadgets: Perseverance, Gizmos & Gadgets: Tenacity, Go Get 'Em, Go On, Impress Me!, God King Faceoff, Golly, Good Fortune, Good Job, Buddy!, Got 'em, Got Ya!, Guard Dawg, Happy 10th Anniversary!, Happy to See You, Hooray, Hoppin' Mad, How Could You, Hype Pengu Orange, I Won!, I will destroy you, Is That a Threat?!, It me, Joy Pengu, Knuckle Sandwich, Kraken Skulls, Legend 1, Legend 10, Legend 11, Legend 12, Legend 13, Legend 14, Legend 2, Legend 3, Legend 4, Legend 5, Legend 6, Legend 7, Legend 8, Legend 9, Let's Do This, Like My Stripes?, Little Camper, Looking for This?, M'Pengu, Maybe Next Time, Mic Drop, Mine!, Minionstein, Much Love, My Cocoa, My Word, Naut Bad, Never Again, Nice, Not Now!, Nothing Personal!, Oh No, Oh!, Okay, Ooh La La!, Outrageous, Peace Out, Peace Poro, Pengu-versary, Perseverance, Please Ruin Me, Please?, Pool Party Pengu, Pride 2021, Pwease?, Questionable Calculation, Raise Your Dongers!, Riku Emote, Sad Kitten, Salutations, Say That One More Time., Scout-Approved, Sentinel Akshan, Sentinel Diana, Sentinel Graves, Sentinel Irelia, Sentinel Olaf, Sentinel Pyke, Sentinel Rengar, Sentinel Riven, Sentinel Senna, Sentinel Vayne, Smooooochie, Snoozy Poro, So Cool, So Lame, Spooked, Stop That!, Such War, Sup Dawg?, Surprise, Surprise!!!, TFT Fates Act II Platinum, TFT Fates Stage 1 Gold, TFT Galaxies Stage 2 Gold, TFT Reckoning Stage I Platinum, TFT Reckoning Stage II Diamond, That's Not Nice..., The Call, The Crown, The Kindest Cut, This Changes Everything, Tough Times, Tyrant Urf, Vamporo, Veteran Emote 01, Viego Undone, Vitamin Sea, Whaddya Mean?!, What A Pain, Why Tho, Worlds 2020 Champion DAMWON Gaming , Yip!, You Get The Horns, You Look Familiar, Your Move

Wards: A Sentinela Lobo, Sentinela Akana Florescer Espiritual 2020, Sentinela Amorzinho, Sentinela Aprimorador Ótico, Sentinela Assombrosa, Sentinela Boneco de Gengibre, Sentinela Boneco de Neve, Sentinela Bora Jogar, Sentinela Cascudo, Sentinela Conquistadora 2019, Sentinela Definhante, Sentinela Deus da Forja – Temporada 2022, Sentinela El Poro, Sentinela Espada Divina, Sentinela Estrela Negra, Sentinela Guardiã Estelar, Sentinela Honra 3 2018, Sentinela Honra 5, Sentinela Lenda Gloriosa, Sentinela Lua Sangrenta, Sentinela Pinguim Noel, Sentinela Pulsefire, Sentinela Rainhas de Batalha, Sentinela Vossa Majestade Crustaceal, Sentinela da Luz, Sentinela de 10 Anos, Sentinela dos Pombinhos, Sentinela padrão


conta com 93 skins - bom winrate na soloq - email alteravel
(cód. 968599370)
Status: Sold
$ 50.80
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tkdark ( 1 )

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Member since: 03/2022

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