
Conta LoL Esmeralda All Champs 366 skins com NEO PAX JAX - League of Legends

Portugues Version: Conta com 366 skins sendo 42lendárias, 175épicas,  7míticas, 3 ultimates, 82skins legado, 112 chromas, incluindo chromas míticos.
Tirei os prints das principais skins da conta como a Pax Jax, Pantheon e Zed prestigio e Malzahar Hextech. Possuo a conta desde 2014  e não quero mais jogar lol. A conta possui 6 skins vitoriosas e atualmente se encontra Esmeralda 4. A conta possui todos os campeões.

English Version: It has 366 skins, 42 legendary, 175epic, 7mythical, 3 ultimate, 82 legacy skins, 112 chromas, including mythical chromas. I took screenshots of the main skins on the account such as Pax Jax, Pantheon and Zed prestigio and Malzahar Hextech. I've had the account since 2014  and I don't want to play anymore lol. The account has 6 victorious skins and is currently at Emerald 1. The account has all champions.

Conta LoL Esmeralda All Champs 366 skins com NEO PAX JAX

neo pax jax
(cód. 904308655)
$ 82.28
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guilmor ( 4 )

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Member since: 07/2020

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