Mg 1100 Equipado - MU Online
Vendo MG Equipado Bem forte
Vai com 75 k de hunt ativo certinho em HP e Ex dmg para bater o Cap de 100%
Set: BlueEye Full+ 15 SKT
Armas: 2x Magic Awak Full+15 SKT
Seeds Set: Full 66666 (6xDDI 6xHp 6x Max Life 6x Forca 6x Agiliade)
Seed Armas:Full: 66667 (2xSkill 2xDano 2x MinDMG 2xEx% 2x ddi lvl 7)
Pentagrama: Strong Hold Wind full PVP Top. Defendendo e atacando certinho
Erteis: 10/10/5 -7/7/0 -7/70 - 10/7/0
Radiance: DefIII +Abs Shield+Pe d ferro (10/10/7)
ASA4 Full pvp 2 add (6% Ingnore +6+Double)
Mg vai com 110 dias de megavip.
sao 800k de mc em itens.
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Mg 1100 Equipado
mg full 1100
(cód. 930524460)
Status: Ended
Up to 12x $ 40.56 installments on your card
When you buy this product you earn 909 DFG Points
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