🟢 ESTAMOS ON | Hack Combat Master - Others

- Enable aimbot checkbox + keybind
- Only aim if visible checkbox
- FOV slider
- Speed slider
- Aim bone dropdown
- Disable ESP if occluded checkbox
- Force visible/spotted checkbox
- Box esp checkbox + colorpicker
- Box rounding slider
- Player skeleton esp checkbox + colorpicker
- Health bar checkbox + full/empty colorpicker
- ESP flags multidropdown + colorpicker
- Player weapon names checkbox
- Aimbot FOV circle checkbox + colorpicker
- Only show fov circle when aiming checkbox
- FOV circle thickness slider
- Defuse/Plant warning checkbox
- Snap lines checkbox + colorpicker
- Dropped weapon ESP checkbox + colorpicker
- Radar checkbox
- Radar range slider
- Infinite jump checkbox
- No jump anim/sound checkbox
- Force crosshair type checkbox + dropdown
- Force crosshair offset checkbox + slider
- Custom hitmarker color checkbox + colorpicker
- Force FOV checkbox + slider
- Disable force FOV if aiming checkbox
- Parachute on key checkbox + keybind
- Spam global chat on key checkbox + keybind
- Spam room chat on key checkbox + keybind
- No weapon bob checkbox
- No recoil checkbox
- No weapon sway checkbox
- No spread checkbox
- Instant ADS zoom checkbox
- Infinite ammo checkbox
- List of all configs
- Create new config button
- Save selected config button
- Load selected config button
- Reset all settings button
- Open config location button
- Config name text input
- Accent color colorpicker
- Menu background dim checkbox + colorpicker
Other shit:
- Changes play button text to "POOPHACK!"
- Changes friend request notification to "Monkey (Player name) added you"
- Changes chat input text to "Send message to retards..."
- Changes some other shit im too lazy to type out
- Rarely randomly crashes
- ESP/Skeleton ESP sometimes jitters or does weird stuff
- If you're the host parachute on key makes everyone else parachute too
- I don't free the mouse when menu is open so if you're in game just open the escape menu to use the cheat menu
- Sometimes when you load in you wont be able to move your mouse, but tabbing out and back in fixes it not sure why
Somente funcional no windows 11/10 ( não funciona no mobile)

🟢 ESTAMOS ON | Hack Combat Master
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Member since: 11/2018